There are several ways of earning online. Some of them you would be familiar hava with , but here are some of the ways of earning that i had personally used to generate some bugs as my pocket money .
There are several platform for blogging your feelings, ideas and thoughts. If you are beginner that it would be best to go with Blogger because it is easy to use and customize. If you want to go mare advance option than you can go with wordpress, it gives a lot of themes and plugins so that you have all the controls of your website. The only bad thing about this is you have to pay money for monetizing and applying plugins.
Affiliate Marketing
If you are in the circle of friends who is continuously shopping online, you can go with affiliate with ebay, amazon, flipkart, etc which will give a fixed percent of commissions for each purchase.
Publishing kindle books
Kindle is a part of amazon company which allows its user to sell and by softcopy and hardcopy books online. By publishing on kindle you can earn more by selling your books . Click Here to see step by step Guide for Selling Your Book Through Amazon.
Youtube Videos
Posting videos online on youtube gives will maker easier for you to interact with you audience. Youtube enables its user to monetize their youtube channel after completing the threshold of 4000 watch hour and Minimum 1000 subscribers.
Blogging site
There are several platform for blogging your feelings, ideas and thoughts. If you are beginner that it would be best to go with Blogger because it is easy to use and customize. If you want to go mare advance option than you can go with wordpress, it gives a lot of themes and plugins so that you have all the controls of your website. The only bad thing about this is you have to pay money for monetizing and applying plugins.
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